Olivia Cheever

Take a Look

“I needed an approach that isn’t passive.” —Frances Fitch,
Organist/harpsichordist, music school faculty

From the outside, a Feldenkrais movement sequence could be confusable with something you might do with one eye on a television as you jumpstart your day. But if you perform with your mind even momentarily on hold, you’re not doing Feldenkrais. It is the opposite of rote learning. A first ‘assignment’ I suggest for my students is to see what it feels like brushing your teeth with the opposite hand. Tuning in to sensations while doing nonhabitual movements wakes up parts of the brain you’re not used to traveling through and frees you to start charting new tracks in the snow.



> Commentary
> Rolling
> Triangle Arms
> Sliding Palms
> Spiraling from Sitting to Standing




Feldenkrais and Feldenkrais Method are registered service marks of the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America.
Bones For Life is a registered service mark of Ruthy Alon, its originator.

Serving the Boston, MA area with classes in Westwood.
Private coaching also in Needham Heights, MA.
Call 617-413-5680, or email ocheever@comcast.net.

© Copyright 2017 Olivia Cheever. All rights reserved.