If you’ve found your way to a website about Feldenkrais Method®, Bones For Life®, and Leadership Embodiment work, you’re most likely someone who struggles with chronic pain or stress...or carries tension from huddling over a computer in a high-stress work environment...or reaches for peak performance as a leader, musician, health provider, athlete, equestrian, or dancer but finds your own body dynamics under pressure getting in your way.
I’m Olivia Cheever, and I teach these methods of somatic/movement awareness in order to help people learn to lead the lives they want. That can mean hitting a high note you’ve never been able to sing before, or standing up from a chair without your knees hurting, or being able to notice your body's immediate reaction to pressure and/or stress so you can do something about it before it takes over and overwhelms you!
It’s not a one-time fix I’m talking about, like feeling better when you get off a massage table but not knowing why, or how to keep from tensing up again. The message I want you to get is that change is possible, and you can be in charge of it.
"You can't change a system by fighting with it. You have to bring forth something else which makes it obsolete."
—Buckminster Fuller
Leadership Embodiment Level 1 Training with Olivia Cheever and Elizabeth Valentine
Saturday & Sunday, March 7-8, 2020
The Center at Westwoods
Co-Leaders: Olivia Cheever and Elizabeth Valentine
> Learn More and Register....
Check out Feldenkrais® on Buzz Feed!
See great Functional Integration® (FI®) lessons with younger students with my friend and colleague, Rich Goldsand, GCFP, Feldenkrais Instructor at Arizona State University. Over 600,000 hits in the first few days it was up! One of the best explanations/demos of Functional Integration® (FI®) I've seen!
> Watch here on YouTube
Feldenkrais helps musicians with Wellness at Tanglewood this summer!
> Read the article in The Boston Globe
More Feldenkrais® offered in Bristol, VT!
ATM classes begin in Bristol at Bristol Fitness in September with my friend/colleague Mischul Brownstone, GCFP! I highly recommend Mischul! He and I graduated from the originator's, Dr Moshé Feldenkrais's, Amherst, MA training and have been practicing the Feldenkrais Method® consistently since becoming certified in 1983!
> Learn More... |
Boston Feldenkrais Training 3 in Newton Centre, MA sponsored by Feldenkrais Education of New England, Inc, (FENE) a nonprofit 501(c)(3) formed by a group of local Feldenkrais Practitioners including myself—has begun with an impressive group of students with Aliza Stewart as Educational Director/Trainer!
"I am going to be your last teacher. Not because I'll be the greatest teacher you may ever encounter, but because from me you will learn how to learn. When you learn how to learn, you will realize that there are no teachers, that there are only people learning, and people learning how to facilitate learning." —Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais
Private sessions are available in Needham, MA and Bristol, VT by appointment. Contact Olivia to schedule.