Olivia Cheever

About Me

Olivia CheeverThe desire to study and practice the art of healing is deep and strongly rooted in my heritage, and in my heart. I was raised in a family where many chose to serve in the field of medicine, and from the time I was a young girl, I was fascinated by the world of healing, as it was practiced by different peoples and in many different ways. My grandfathers and my great grandfathers were all medical doctors, and my grandfather, Augustus Thorndike, was, like me, particularly interested in the pain free use and optimal functioning of the physical body. He researched and authored one of the first texts in Sports Medicine: Athletic Injuries: Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment (Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger,3rd ed. 1950) during his tenure as Harvard University's team doctor.

With this legacy, I seriously considered medical school, but soon realized that I could contribute more through a less conventional, but still rigorous approach. And so I chose the Feldenkrais Method. I have blended this methodology with my training and experience in psychotherapy and massage therapy to create the skills and expertise I most use today in my work as a holistic body centered practitioner.

“Self-knowledge through awareness is the goal of re-education. As we become aware of what we are doing, the way to improvement is wide open to us.” Moshe Feldenkrais

“Feldenkrais represents a revolution in human health.”Smithsonian Magazine

“After just a few moments of the Feldenkrais exercises, people often find themselves, as if by magic, easily doing things with their bodies that they never thought possible.”New Age Magazine

“I have long been intrigued by this subtle form of retraining the nervous system, which I recommend to patients whose movement has been restricted by injury, cerebral palsy, stroke, fibromyalgia, or chronic pain. I find it [The Feldenkrais Method] to be much more useful than standard physical therapy. I also believe that the Feldenkrais Method can help older people achieve greater range of motion and flexibility, and help all of us feel more comfortable in our bodies.” —Andrew Weil, MD, Author of Spontaneous Healing and Natural Health, Natural Medicine

“This is the most sophisticated and effective method I have seen for the prevention and reversal of deterioration of function. We're condemning millions of people to a deteriorated old age that's not necessary.” Margaret Mead, PhD, Anthropologist


> Feldenkrais Method
> Bones for Life
> Leadership Embodiment
> Classes, Private Lessons, Teacher Training
> Olivia's Academic Career
> Who Benefits







Feldenkrais and Feldenkrais Method are registered service marks of the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America.
Bones For Life is a registered service mark of Ruthy Alon, its originator.

Serving the Boston, MA area with classes in Westwood.
Private coaching also in Needham Heights, MA.
Call 617-413-5680, or email ocheever@comcast.net.

© Copyright 2017 Olivia Cheever. All rights reserved.