Olivia Cheever



Tail Wags the Dog Sitting ATM (mp3)

Articles, Chapters and Dissertation

Cheever, Olivia and Lisa Janice Cohen. "The Feldenkrais Method." Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Rehabilitation, Chapter 4, 2003.

Cheever, Olivia. "The Wellspace Model for Delivery of Complementary and Alternative Medical Services." Integrative Holistic Health, Healing, and Transformation, Chapter 15, 2002.

Cheever, Olivia. "Connected Knowing and "Somatic Empathy" among Somatic Educators and Students of Somatic Education." ReVision Journal, Volume 22, Number 4, Spring 2000.

Cheever, Oliva Lowell. Education as Transformation in American Psychiatry: From Voices of Control to Voices of Connection (3rd Edition-2009). Originally published Michigan: UMI Dissertation Services, 1995.

Leri, Dennis. "Learning How to Learn: Rather than "fixing" the body, Moshe Feldenkrais taught how to expand its capacities and ranges of choices." Gnosis Magazine, Fall 1993.

Weil, Andrew. "The Feldenkrais Method: Moving with Ease." Self Healing, May 1998.

Wright, Peggy A. "Connected Knowing: Exploring Self, Soma, Empathy, and Intuition."ReVision Journal, Volume 22, Number 4, Spring 2000.




Feldenkrais and Feldenkrais Method are registered service marks of the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America.
Bones For Life is a registered service mark of Ruthy Alon, its originator.

Serving the Boston, MA area with classes in Westwood.
Private coaching also in Needham Heights, MA.
Call 617-413-5680, or email ocheever@comcast.net.

© Copyright 2017 Olivia Cheever. All rights reserved.