Olivia Cheever
Feldenkrais Method | Bones For Life | Leadership Embodiment | Classes & Training | Who Benefits | Olivia's Academic Career

Classes, Private Lessons, Teacher Training

Most of us move around on automatic pilot. Moshe Feldenkrais developed hundreds of movement experiments to help wake us up. These you try out and practice in a class or private lesson, then take home as a toolbox to serve you at need.


I teach Awareness Through Movement (ATM), Bones for Life® (BFL) and Leadership Embodiment (LE) groups, as well as some that combine both methods. You’ll learn to recognize your comfort range and stop before extending beyond it, where damage occurs. I watch for people’s stuck places and verbally guide you through. Sitting, shifting weight, bending, turning, getting up from the floor, and walking are some of the movements you’ll relearn from the inside out. Dress is anything comfortable. Sessions last 60-90 minutes.

Private Lessons

Functional Integration works one-on-one in a private setting, usually using a padded treatment table rather than floor exercises, again with the student fully clothed. Sessions are as individual as whatever you need and want. I guide by touch as well as voice to help you feel where you’re not quite there and bring more and more of your self into your awareness, at your own pace. We start with a health history. Sessions last 60-90 minutes.

BOnes for LIfe Teacher Training

For those wishing to make Feldenkrais work a bigger part of their lives, the Bones for Life program is still leading edge. In Cambridge, at Lesley University’s Institute for Body, Mind and Spirituality, we developed in 2004 the world’s first Bones for Life Certificate Program for academic credit, graduating seven health professionals in 2005. The 135-hour curriculum includes lecture/discussions, in-depth understanding of the theoretical background, supervised teaching, and extensive subjective experience as a basis for learning to work with others. I also mentor program graduates using an apprenticeship model that involves them in my regular Bones for Life classes.









Feldenkrais and Feldenkrais Method are registered service marks of the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America.
Bones For Life is a registered service mark of Ruthy Alon, its originator.

Serving the Boston, MA area with classes in Westwood.
Private coaching also in Needham Heights, MA.
Call 617-413-5680, or email ocheever@comcast.net.

© Copyright 2017 Olivia Cheever. All rights reserved.