We encourage you to register using PayPal. PayPal allows you to pay for purchases or send money using your credit card or checking account. Establishing a PayPal account takes just a few minutes – and it’s free! (Click on white square at right.) With state-of-the-art technology and high security standards, PayPal is dedicated to keeping your information safe and private. However, you are not required to use PayPal, you can use this shopping cart with a major credit card without a PayPal account.
If you do not wish to register and pay online you can register by mail and personal check. Print out and fill-in our PDF Registration Form, include your check, (payable to Olivia Cheever) and mail to: Olivia Cheever, 145 St. Mary Street, Needham, MA 02494.
Purchase a Bones Wrap for the course — $25.00
You will receive your Bones Wrap at your registered Segment
Click on the box above to create a PayPal account.
To be announced